Saturday, April 3, 2010


Solipsism was mentioned in class and it really grabbed me. As some of my previous blogs discuss I'm very interested in the definition of reality. Basically asking the question: What is really real and how do we know it's real? How do we know that we're not just a character in somebody's story, complete with an omnipotent narrator to guide others through our story? Or that we're not plugged into a computer, being fed sensory data, believing that we actually had stale toaster waffles for breakfast, not nutrient rich ooze?

We don't and that's the awesome part. Reality is the greatest of life's mysteries, one that we may or may not get the answer to when we die, if we ever actually die. If reality isn't real then on what grounds can we say that death is real? If we have no way to see our “reality” from another vantage point then we cannot observe it and therefore cannot prove it even exists.

Even if we could somehow “observe” reality how do we even know we can trust our own senses? They trick us all the time, with dreams and the like. I guess solipsism is the safest option we have, let me rephrase that.

The safest option you have. I'm a figment of your imagination after all.

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